Every woman has the right to be safe both in their own homes and in their communities. We are asking you to come together to stand up for all women.
The #SheWasGoingForARun Campaign aims to actively combat violence against women by raising awareness, fundraising, sharing online content and community building. Girls & women should not live in fear. Funds will be raised for Women’s Aid.
Every person who takes part is standing up for all women and making a difference. In 2021 there were 28,096 disclosures of abuse against women. We are coming together to take a stand against and start a conversation about the REAL fears women face on a daily basis. All funds raised will go towards Women’s Aid to help offer confidential information, support and understanding to women in the Republic of Ireland who are being abused.
How It Works?
The 2023 She Was Going For A Run event has now ended.
You can still make a donation and if you donate €15 we will send you a T-Shirt closer to the start of next year’s donation in February 2024. We will also list all the new hubs near you in January 2024.
If you would like to receive a #SheWasGoingForARun T-shirt please donate €15.
#SheWasGoingForARun (Donate for 2024)
In 2021 there were 28,096 disclosures of abuse against women.
Every day, 137 women across the world are killed by a partner or member of their own family. In Ireland, since 1996, 255 women have been killed with 87% of resolved cases being perpetrated by a man known to the victim.
60% of women have been harassed when running, with 6% having feared for their lives.
#SheWasGoingForARun (Donate for 2024)

Call National Freephone Helpline
Women’s Aid is a leading national organisation that has been working to stop domestic violence in Ireland since 1974. They operate the 24hr National Freephone Helpline and a number of Dublin based face-face services. We also act for justice and social change through our specialised training, public awareness campaigns and policy work.
people took part in #SheWasGoingForARun in 2022.
different countries took part in the #SheWasGoingForARun campaign.